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德国sigma 2-7非冷冻台式离心机


德国sigma 2-7非冷冻台式离心机,sigma 4000转离心机
450 ml, 400 ml
4.000 min-1
2.540 x g

德国sigma 2-7非冷冻台式离心机,sigma 4000转离心机

Sigma 2-7

 450 ml, 400 ml
 4.000 min-1
 2.540 x g


德国sigma 2-7非冷冻台式离心机,sigma 4000转离心机 高性能,新设计

新的 Sigma 2-7 从客户的体验和希望中诞生。该离心机的技术特点令人印象深刻:不锈钢碗、不平衡开关、机动盖锁、带蓝色 LED 的创新运行显示和工艺可靠性。离心机在操作过程中也非常安静。标本仅稍微加热,这对于血液标本试管尤其重要。与多用途、模块化的水平转子配合使用,为用户在许多实验室成功的职业生涯奠定了基础。


,sigma 4000转离心机

zui大速率 [min-1]4.000
zui大相对离心力 [x g]2.540
zui大能力 [ml]30 x 15 ml, 4 x 100 ml
工作温度范围 [°C] 


The Sigma 2-7 is equipped with a simple, clear display at the perfect viewing angle and large buttons for good legibility and easy operation. The uncomplicated Spincontrol E control unit makes data entry and programming simple. The centrifuge run time can be selected in seconds, and the LED indicator is readily visible at a distance. The most recent settings can be saved, and the standstill and run times are optionally programmable (e.g. clotting time). The motorised lid lock, which quietly closes automatically to eliminate extra effort, is a nice practical touch. With these features, the Sigma 2-7 stands for easy operation, convenience and maximum safety.


Sigma 2-7

Innovative LED running indicator, readily visible at a distance n Clearly organised display n Large buttons n Acoustic signal for button press and end of run n Motorised lid lock for easy, effortless operation n Low noise level – 55 dB(A) at maximum speed n Corrosion-resistant, easily cleaned stainless steel drum n Low height for easy loading and unloading n Automatic method for gel tubes n Settings can be modifi ed while running n Ten program memory slots n Low temperature rise in continuous operation n Zero-maintenance motor n Two acceleration and braking curves: soft and fast n Easy rotor exchange n Compact device; fi ts on every lab bench n Imbalance monitoring and shutdown n Overspeed monitoring n Window in lid for independent speed measurement n Manufactured in compliance with EN 61010-2-020 n RoHS compliant n Also available as IVD device conforming with Directive 98/79/EC regarding in-vitro diagnostic medical devices

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